
Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunny Winter Work Day

Despite the cold temperatures, we are still getting lettuce, cilantro, radishes, spinach, chard and onions to grow

a well weeded onion patch

picking up piles of yard waste

a winter cabbage still hanging on

worm garden doing good, we added some Brussel sprouts and other rotting garden waste

Thursday, November 15, 2012

fall work day

not a lot of things to do out in the garden these days except for pick up, clean up, re weed, pull deadheads, and mulch leaves into the ground, with the holidays coming up we don't have that many clean up days before christmas break. Today was a good hard working but slimy day ! 
 David picking up litter

 Kondalia, Fransisco, Pawn, Azaziah moving dirt
 Mr. I and Coree putting leaves on the beds
 Resharn, and Seth pulling weeds
Jeremy picking up piles of dead plants

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Frost/Weather Death Class Investigation

What Killed the Plants?                                                                                Name                                                 

Over the weekend a large number of plants died and turned brown. Our job is to determine why this happened.

Investigative Question: What was the probable cause for the death of certain types of plants in our garden.

Hypothesis: We think (weather, temperature, freezing/frost, insects, mushrooms, no sunlight) Killed the Plants over the last week.

MV: The environment
CV: Multiple beds of plants
RV: Plants are alive or dead
1.)   Go outside, investigate plants alive and not alive after the weekend.
2.)   Record observations of the living and dead plants in garden
3.)   Investigate other factors such as types of plants, weather etc.
4.)   Discuss findings with class.

Plant Type
Alive: With Observations
Dead: With Observations

Plants brown and mushy 

 Tips had damage

 some alive
 some dying

 brown and dying

 brown and dried up
 peas, beats, lettuce, cilantro, onions, 

doing fine 

 doing fine

 doing fine


 brown and mushy

Discussion Questions:
1.) What kinds of plants died? What is similar about them?

 Plants planted in the summer are dying, plants with fruits (zucchini, tomato, squash, beans), 

2.) What kinds of plants lived? What is similar about them?
plants planted recently (lettuce, cilantro, peas, radishes), leafy plants like kale and cabbage, root plants like carrots, beats, onions

3.) What weather events (Precipitation, Temperature, Sunlight, Seasons) have taken place in the last week that may contribute to plant death?  First big frost on Saturday, followed by lots of rain, less and less sunlight

CONCLUSION Make a final conclusion about which plants died and why based on your observations and discussions. (May use back).

certain plants are planted in certain seasons and can't grow in others
some plants have fruits because they only live for one year
some plants can live for more than one year
frost kills many fruiting plants

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pulling Weeds in the Cold

Some of us worked, some of us didn't. It was chilly and fun. 
Pulling weeds out of the onion patch

Angela rocking the weed pulling without gloves

Tres Amigos y el Capitan Flojo (Lazy)

Pulling old tomatoes

inside our warm and happy greenhouse

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Winter is coming

 Today was the first sigh of winter coming there was frost on the ground and the temperature has drop. Hopefully our produce grows enough to be harvested       
Mr. Iverson and David working on one of the green houses

Hunter pouring fresh soil into the empty garden beds

Everybody doing their own individual jobs to help the garden

Jeremy picking up trash while the others work on the 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Maurico, David, and Hunter fixing up the worm bin.
 Jeremy picking up the litter 

 the worms are doing good :)
 raking the beds clean
taking out the flowers

Resharn  heading to the compost bins