
Monday, April 30, 2012

No photo day.

Even though we didn't take any pictures today that doesn't mean we didn't get some things accomplished. We planted raspberry starts from Mrs. Burns again. We planted kale, tomatoes, squash and lettuce starts from the Community Garden Summit this weekend. It was kind of a poopy weather day so some of us stayed inside and drew and read.

Photo's to come.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Better Day(: !!!!

Ms.Jost looking and fixing the pee moutian..looking pretty good

Deshawn and Jonathan getting ready to plant something cray cray in the new orchard-ish area

Rashish sprouts are firing off secondary leaves!

Look at these pees(:   ....please....

Mrs. Burns Donated some Raspberries this week and we are so pumped!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

 we had ducks in the rain garden today it was amazing how close i got today well thats about all that happened today sooooooooooooo well i guess theres nothing else to say so bye make sure to comment on the blog and tell us what you think this is amaya and jeffrey see ya


Aerial Shot of the Garden!

Mr. Shirfey Hinds got stuck on the roof one day and took a photo of the garden.

Cassidy planting her first Tomato Start

Mr. Iversonplanting some corn starts. Last year corn got big but not a lot of produce
So we scaled back this year to only 8 plants

We love to see our fellow gardeners putting starts in!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

4/18/12 A day Gardening class

Extra! Extra!! Today's featured beds are E1 and E2!! Their planting strategy is fantastic, planting in rows.
Congrats to the owners (or owner) of these lucky beds.

Pea Mountain has peas growing in it now. (:

This is the biggest group of Chives in the entire garden.

Strawberry garden.

Pea starts!!!

This is a beatiful picture of this wildflower (Pansy) (:

Today the sun was shining, and with new plots growing, signals a beginning of a wonderful and progressful spring! C:
Bloggers : Jaliyah and Megan

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We Made the News...kinda.

Check out our friends from SPARX helping out kids from our community!

Not a bad shot of the garden in the background either!

Go panthers!

cloudy with a chance of gardening

string for the peas to climb
our garden sign


heres our community arden sign someone stole the g so i guess its not a garden any more

here are some sprouts

what is this tell us in a comment

russel watering

a post is knocked down better put it up

a sparrow sitting on a bush

same sparrow
well the computer wont let us see the pictures so that we can upload them so instead we have to write it f5 has chives rosmary e4 ha artichoke strawberry and chives all the other beds have sprouts of carrot and other plants oh wait nevermind it started working again

Monday, April 16, 2012

4/16/12 Gardening update

Welcome to "Pea Mountain"! Where Ms. Jost's 6th grade class are planting experiment plants.

Onions are sprouting up!

Watering the worm garden.

More sprouts coming up. Spring is, uh, springing?
Today was mostly a weeding day, but weeding is important also. Clearing gardens from from dominant weeds so they don't take over, helps the garden plants survive.

Friday, April 13, 2012

"Sunny daze" A good day to work in the sun!

We are officially a Community Garden! We have fantastic signs!

Plants need plenty of water. Mr. Iverson gives plants a fair amount.

Miguel was waterin' away!

Friday the 13th? Pssh. No big deal.
The great sunny weather was perfect to work in. Not to mention we now have trees to keep growing. More sprouts have been coming up, and more participation with our peers.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Growing a Garden in Washington State

Below are tips and rules about gardening in the state!

here is a youtube link: vegtable growing best to plant in 2012.

A Health qoute from Google.

Grow Local Tacoma Page logo.
Here is a link for Soil Health in the garden: 

another day in the garden

kelly uwt helping us plant the spartan apple tree

another one of our trees

a hole to plant another tree
our friends from university of washington came and gave us plants and trees

PICK UP YOUR TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what plant is this tell us in a comment

wyatt with our new tree

where did all these dandelions come from they werent there the other day!Ugh
here is our school :)

tabby sweeping up the dirt or woodchips

kelly showing us how to plant garlic chives yay
strawberries growing no fruit yet but we might get some soon

some garlic chives

here is our garden
THX for reading please comment on our blog  this is jeffrey and amaya