
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Quiet Day:

Today we read aloud There's A Hair In My Dirt By Gary Larson. A funny book about how nature is looked at by humans and how in the end the worm is the hero of the forest.

We watched a few documentaries about garden around the world.

Most of the 8th graders were on a field trip and it was raining really hard so we had a nice and peaceful day.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Cleaning Up Dead Plants

It is fall again and how do we know it? The pond is finally starting to fill up slowly after all that heavy rain this weekend. 

 We spent all period clearing our beds of plants (mostly tomatoes) and we are only 1/4 of the way done.

 Whatever was in the air today people felt like taking the easy way out and trashing the shed. I guess we have an extra job of cleaning this mess up tomorrow.

We pulled out a ton of tomatoes today and didn't even get started raking the beds.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Chores: Worm Garden, Leaves, Harvest, Weeds

Today we got out in the crisp fall air and took care of our worms adding tomatoes, leaves and shredded paper.

We also started raking leaves for our compost bins: 2 browns to 1 green they say and after all the dead plants we put in there we need some brown power... :)

We are still getting a few peppers and tomatoes and odds n ends.\

lettuce sprouts yeah!

Azaziah pulling pesky weeds...again

can't believe how much stuff is growing in this weather!

radish sprouts!

artichoke that has flowered and will go to seed

yellow cuchs or zuchs or squash of some type

overlooked zucchini! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kelly from UWT Worm Garden Presentaion

Today Kelley came by and talked to us about worm gardens.

We talked about the anatomy of the worm, how they live, what they eat, how much water they need and appropriate foods to feed them (and what to stay away from).

Below are photos of her cool see through compost bin so we could see the decomposition in action.

We also got to meet all the isopods and other insects that help in the composting process.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

fun in gardening

 are worms are having a feast

 its very nice
 lovely lanterns 

this a very big flower

the lettuce is growing

this is a nice carrett

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

a hard working day

this is a start of another day 
 the worms are really loving there bed
 well it's time for another path
 this is some lettuce a couple seed harvesters spilt
pushing wet sand up hill is really hard

a end of hard day time to go home

Monday, October 15, 2012

our first raining day

 Jeremy pulling out the tomato plants 
 Azaziah and Kondalia pulling weeds
 David, Kona, and Mr. Iverson trying build green house but failed 
 Rien fixing the path
 Azaziah, Kondalia, and Cheyanne fixing the compost
 the ladies harvesting green peppers
Resharn and Seth cleaning the old garden

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The great harvest pick

                                          Azaziah,kondelia,coree, and david harvesting tomatoes.
                                               Resarn watering all the gardens
                                   Angela,Cheyanne, and Zuriel picking lettuce and pea seeds.
                                                   Kona pouring sand for a better walkway.
                                                    Jeremy working on the compost bind.
                                                           kondelia harvesting tomatoes
                                                     Zuriel picking lettuce seeds
                                                    Kona raking the sand for th walkway
                                       Hunter pouring sand from the wheel barrel to make a walkway

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday Workday

 hunter and kona picking up sand for path
 kona pouring the sand on the path
 mauricio picking up rotten tomatoes

 cheyanne collecting seeds 

Azaziah and Kondalia weed pulling

 jeremy collecting trash
 zuriel n teacher watering plants
 mauricio and david putting veggies in worm bed